Wednesday, May 31, 2017

State of the Library Report....Trying Something Different

I've done the traditional.  I've created infographics.  This year, I wanted to try my hand at a video report.  Well, it was a toss-up between that and a Buzzfeed-style report, but I'm intrigued with the animated typographic videos that are coming out.  This is ONLY a prelim (I was playing around with it today) but thought I'd post it as Biteable is an amazing site to create this kind of video!

Library Report 2017 on Biteable.


Tiffani said...

This is AWESOME!! I am going to try it at home and see what I can come up with. Thanks for sharing!

Kaline said...

Very nice job! That's a wonderful source, too. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Love it! Going to give it a try. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Looks GREAT!

Unknown said...

Looks GREAT!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the creative idea! I have been looking for something different than the same old, same old. I am going to give this a try!

Jill Sceifers
Media Specialist
New Washington Middle/High School
New Washington, Indiana

Unknown said...

Thanks for the creative idea! I have been looking for something different than the same old, same old. I am going to give this a try!

Jill Sceifers
Media Specialist
New Washington Middle/High School
New Washington, Indiana

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing! I created one last night to share with my administrator. Appreciate your posts!

Barbara R. Paciotti said...

Naomi, I always rely on you for trying out the latest & greatest tools to use for library needs. This video report is such an inspiration to all of us! Thank you!
Barbara Paciotti

hall said...

Loving it! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

This looks amazing! I am playing with it right now. Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

I love this idea! I am going to make one tomorrow. I can see so many useful ideas for this type of program. Thanks for sharing!