Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ever get that feeling....

When you just have to put down books, turn off the computer and live a little outside the walls you've created? I know....did that this summer. Haven't posted anything in awhile, but rather got some fresh air, some sun, some family...but I'm walking into the halls to the world I've created, and it's nice to come back : )

Just finished my first blog in awhile (and that book is AMAZING!!!!) and will shortly finish another booktrailer for Crash Into Me that I've been working on for awhile! That and some Glogsters as well as Animoto videos I'm playing with will be posted this month. And let us not forget the listservs and Shelfaris!!

So from mojitos to bookitos and traileritos I'm back....and am excited about some of the titles I have in my sticky little hands!! Stay tuned : )

1 comment:

Janice Robertson said...

I actually haven't ever had that feeling. I have to FORCE myself to leave the books and the computer to join the living, breathing outside world. It's almost painful because I would much prefer to be reading most of the time. Sometimes I'd rather read than eat! But, like any addiction, I try to not let it overpower my life. Once I'm outside, I'm always glad I got there, but it's tough forcing my hands to let go of the book!